Installation instructions for PolyCAD v1.0 ------------------------------------------ 1. Create a directory where you wish to place PolyCAD and change to that directory, e.g. in DOS C:\>mkdir polycad C:\>cd polycad 2. Copy the file into the newly created directory and unzip it using the -d option, C:\polycad\>pkunzip -d 3. Change to the psystem subdirectory in your newly created directory C:\polycad\>cd psystem Copy the following files into your windows system directory (this is usually the directory C:\windows\system), cmdialog.vbx spin.vbx threed.vbx e.g. C:\polycad\psystem\copy *.vbx C:\windows\system\*.* Note: PolyCAD also requires Microsoft's Visual Basic run time library file VBRUN300.DLL to be in your windows system directory. This file is NOT included in the PolyCAD package since it is widely available for down- loading, e.g. by anonymous ftp from in /packages/ibmpc/microsoft/Softlib/MSLFILES/VBRUN300.EXE or in /Softlib/MSLFILES/VBRUN300.EXE and many other sites. 4. If you have previously installed WinG on your computer goto step 5, otherwise copy the following files into your windows system directory, dva.386 wing.dll wing32.dll wingde.dll wingdib.drv wingpal.wnd You may now need to edit your windows system.ini file. Bring this file into an editor and find the section [386Enh]. You should look for a line similar to DEVICE=C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\DVA.386 If this line is not present you should add it under the [386Enh] section and save the system.ini file. If you have edited the system.ini file under windows you will need to exit and restart windows for this change to take effect. 5. If you wish you may now remove all the files in the C:\>polycad\psystem directory and remove that directory since it is no longer required. 6. Start up windows if you have not already done so. 7. Open the group you wish to place PolyCAD in by double clicking on it. 8. Select the menu command File->New... Choose OK to Program Item Fill in: Description: PolyCAD Command Line: polycad.exe Working Directory: c:\polycad (the directory you unzipped in) and choose OK. 9. Start PolyCAD by double clicking on its icon. Note that if you have just installed the WinG files you will first see a window with a strange display as WinG tests your computer system for optimal performance. This may take a few minutes depending on your computer setup. Once this is finished you will not see it again unless you change the display driver in your windows setup. 10. PolyCAD works best in a 256 colour mode under Windows 3.1. 11. Microsoft have listed some known problems with WinG 1.0 and certain display drivers. We have included below the readme.txt file (copyright Microsoft Ltd) from the WinG development kit: ============================================================================= Microsoft WinG version 1.0 -------------------------- This file describes known bugs, gotchas, and helpful hints for the WinG Version 1.0 final release. ISVs may want to distribute portions of this readme file that describe configuration bugs along with shipping products that use WinG. WinG version 1.0 provides fast DIB-to-screen blts under Windows 3.1, Windows for Workgroups 3.11, Windows 95, and Windows NT version 3.5. WinG will not run on Windows NT version 3.1 or on earlier versions of Windows. WinG requires a 386 or better processor to run. WinG will not run on a 286. If you have problems with WinG, please run the wingbug.exe file in the bin directory of the SDK and send the generated report to Updated information on WinG is available on CompuServe in the WINMM forum and on Known Bugs And Limitations -------------------------- The following are known problems with or useful tidbits of information about WinG version 1.0. - On Windows 3.1, WinGBitmaps must be 8 bits per pixel and must be created with full 256 entry color tables. - WinGDCs are NOT palette devices. You must change their color tables using WinGSetDIBColorTable, not SelectPalette. - WinGBitBlt and WinGStretchBlt only support bltting from WinGDCs to the screen. - Using BitBlt and StretchBlt to blt from one WinGDC to another can be very slow when a clipping region has been selected into the destination. - WinGBitBlt and WinGStretchBlt may return different values than StretchDIBits for identical blts. - A few GDI APIs do not work correctly with WinGDCs: StretchDIBits will not blt 24bpp and 16bpp DIBs into an 8bpp WinGDC. FloodFill with a NULL brush draws incorrectly FloodFill outside of the bounds of a WinGBitmap can flood the entire image Brushes created with CreatePatternBrush with a WinGBitmap fault when selected into a WinGDC on Win3x - use CreateBitmap(8,8,1,8,0) DrawIcon will crash WinGBitBlt and WinGStretchBlt will not always blt to the correct location when you have changed the Viewport and/or Window origins using SetViewportOrg or SetWindowOrg. - You cannot change the origin of halftone brushes created by WinG. - Noticeable timing differences have been found while running the WinG profiler on a computer connected to a network. For accurate results, disconnect your computer from the network the first time you run a WinG application. After the profile is complete, you can plug the net in again. NOTE: Microsoft is not liable for any damage you may incur by incorrect handling of your computer hardware. - WinGBitBlt and WinGStretchBlt use a slightly different color matching algorithm than StretchDIBits when blting an 8-bit image to a 4-bit planar display such as a standard VGA. Mixing WinG and StretchDIBits on these displays may produce odd results. - WinG relies on the mmsystem timer drivers to determine display performance. If mmsystem.dll and timer.drv are not installed correctly, the results of the performance test may be incorrect. mmsystem.dll should appear on the drivers= line of the [boot] section of system.ini, and timer=timer.drv should appear in the [drivers] section of system.ini. - WinG version 1.0 does not yet use standard DCI because of time constraints. - "Just In Time" debuggers install a fault handler in a chain along with the WinG display performance profiler. If your debugger reports a fault during the WinG display performance test, pass the fault on to Windows instead of invoking your debugger. Driver-Specific Problems ------------------------ WinG depends on Windows display drivers written by independant hardware manufacturers for much of its speed. Bugs or performance problems in third-party display drivers may cause problems in WinG. In many cases, the video card manufacturer has already fixed the bug, and upgrading your display driver will often clear away problems. There are some specific "bugs" in display drivers of which you should be aware. The list below is not intended to slight the manufacturer of any particular card or driver. A list of stress-tested configurations is available on the CompuServe WINMM forum and Some names in this list are trademarks of the respective manufacturer. - Early drivers for Diamond Viper cards included a "Power Palette" option that is no longer supported by Diamond. They recommend that you upgrade your drivers if you have this option. WinG may be slower when power palette is enabled. - IBM no longer supports the IBM ThinkPad 720c. There are some problems using WinG with the ThinkPad 720c display drivers. - Cirrus drivers before version 1.43 have many known bugs which have been fixed in the more recent drivers. Be sure to upgrade your drivers if you are still running with this version. - Some ATI drivers offer a "Crystal Fonts" option. Turning Crystal Fonts on in 8-bit modes sets up a non-palettized driver that can slow WinG significantly. - The ATI mach8 Radical drivers cause a number of problems in both WinG and in Windows with some versions of the ATI chipset. Be aware. - The ATI VGA Wonder drivers (W31-*.drv) will crash during a call to StretchDIBits in the profiler. Users can run the SVGA256.DRV driver that shipped with Windows. - Many miro Crystal drivers have problems with StretchDIBits, so they crash during profiling. - Early ATI Mach 32 PCI cards have a hardware timing problem and will hang while blting. ATI will replace these cards for no cost. - WinG is incompatible with the #9GXE "TurboCopy" mode. Use the #9 control panel to disable TurboCopy (it is off by default). - WinG uses a GetPixel to synchronize with display hardware when writing directly to the screen. The ATI Mach 32 driver's GetPixel does not work properly, so it is possible to use GDI to draw to the screen, then use WinG to blt to the screen and have them overwrite each other. Be careful mixing GDI drawing commands and WinG blts to the display. - The Orchid mmtllo.drv driver for the Prodesigner IIs has duplicate system colors which prevents applications from getting an identity palette and greatly reduces the WinG blt speed. A workaround is to set SYSPAL_NOSTATIC mode or use standard the Tseng ET4000 drivers instead of the mmtllo drivers. A Note on Speed --------------- WinG is designed to be the absolute fastest way to blt DIBs under Windows. The goal, achieved in many cases, is to blt at memory bandwidth to the display device. On most 8bpp devices, if you use the recommended DIB format (returned by WinGRecommendDIBFormat) and set up correct identity palette, you should get 1:1 blt speeds comparable to BitBlt, which blts device dependent bitmaps (DDBs) to the display. The timewing sample application will show you various blt speeds on your display. The WinGRecommendDIBFormat API will tell you whether to use top-down or bottom-up DIBs for fastest unclipped 1:1 identity palette blts. If you plan on using other types of blt (such as stretching or complex clipping), your application may want to time top-down versus bottom-up blts itself at run time. See the WinG help file for more information. =============================================================================